Northern Virginia Pet Photographer- Unleashed

My whole life, I’ve wanted to work with animals.  When I was little, I would check out books on horses and dogs from the library, learning about them, dreaming about having my own one day.  All grown up, my major in college was Biology, with an emphasis on Zoology.   So when I picked up a camera, it was only natural that the lens was focused on a four-legged beauty.

I’m not sure how I stumbled on this workshop, but I’m so glad that I did!  When I learned that Unleashed was being held in Northern VA, I jumped at the chance to participate.  The dynamic duo of Teresa Berg and Bev Hollis taught us an overwhelming amount of information packed into one weekend.  It was heart was filled, my mind made up…KP is going to be a pet photographer.  Done!

Don’t get me wrong, the art of photography is not an easy one.  Anyone can take a picture.   I want to create art, unveil emotion, reveal relationships between animals and the people they love.  Unleashed has taken me to the next level with my dream..lit a fire under me that can’t be extinguished!  With the help of Teresa and Bev, and their amazing models, top of the line assistants, the participants of this workshop were able to take fantastic images.  Here are some of mine.

Castle posing in front of a church in downtown Leesburg.

Bella and Beau in downtown Leesburg.

More Bella and Beau!

The master at work! Thank you Brandi for your amazing handling skills!

Day 3: In the studio. Castle’s sibling, Dragon.

This was our original set up for Marley. It was lovely, completely lovely, but I couldn’t make it work for me, and the lens I was using (Canon 24-70mm f/2.8) so I cropped it, reversed the image, cloned out the stairs, and came up with this…

Much more my style!

What an amazing experience!!!  I learned so much and met some wonderful friends.  We started helping each other and forming bonds over facebook months before the workshop.  We’re already scheming a reunion:-)

I’ve learned that you have to do what you love and follow your heart.  So, I am!  Watch out world..KP is UNLEASHED!



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7 Responses to Northern Virginia Pet Photographer- Unleashed

  1. Marna Niebergall de Rojas says:

    I love seeing your images in a blog, Karen and reading about what moves your heart! I’m so happy that we found eachother on this path. It will be a very F U N journey!! <3 Much love and blessings for your new focus!

  2. Paige Burris says:

    Karen, you couldn’t have said it better! Everything you mentioned in this post encompasses all the things I too loved about the Unleashed workshop! Love seeing all of the images you take, it’s obvious the pet genre has overtaken all of us, and the momentum we gained with the Unleashed workshop will only grow bigger for all of us by the day! Great post! And, can’t wait to see you at the beach in a few weeks!! With a carload of dogs!! :))))

  3. Barb Kavanagh says:

    Your Blog Looks wonderful, Glad to see you are officially up and running, the above photographs show how gifted you are!

  4. Susan Carter says:

    Nice job!

  5. Nadine Rozowsky says:

    Love your first blog!!! You are so passionate and talented. I’m looking forward to following your career. Glad we had the opportunity to meet in VA.

  6. hena tayeb says:

    so cute. love the ones of the pups in the grass